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Getting to know your partners


If the answer is yes to any of the above questions, come along and join us for one of our Getting to know your Partners lunchtime sessions.


These sessions will include a Q&A and you can ask your colleagues anything to do with their organisations, services and daily practices, to help you gain a better understanding and promote an improved collaborative working approach. 


Book a session


ECC Housing and Garden Communities Team - Wednesday 19 March 2025, 12.30 to 13.30


About the session: Housing matters to Essex County Council (ECC). The team are signatories to the long-term aspirations for the county set out in the Vision for Essex, that includes the ambition to use the development of new homes over the next 20 years as an opportunity to enhance the County. Building on the things that make Essex a great place to live – our countryside, our coastline, our heritage – and working with local people, businesses and communities.


The work of the Housing and Garden Communities Team includes:



The team provides significant capacity on Essex wide homeless issues e.g. Essex Partners Temporary Accommodation delivery plan, Test and Learn TA pilot with HM Government, review and oversight of Essex wide homeless protocols and as strategic leads on Safeguarding for both Adults and Children, along with commissioning services for rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping. They take a partnership approach recognising that they need a systems response in Essex as both homelessness and rough sleeping issues are often much bigger than just a housing issue.


The session will include a Q&A and you can ask your colleagues anything to do with their organisation, services and daily practices, to help you gain a better understanding and promote an improved collaborative working approach. 


Book a place: To find out more about the Housing and Garden Communities Team - request a place on the session here.



The Children's Society (TCS) - Tuesday 22 April 2025, 12.30pm to 1.30pm


About the session: The Children's Society (TCS) East has been working in Essex for over 40 years. Many professionals will recognise our longest-standing service, EYPDAS (Essex Young People's Drug and Alcohol Service). However, in the last 10 years, we have expanded to deliver much more, which you can view here: The Children's Society East | The Children's Society


At TCS East, we strive to ensure there is no wrong door to access the right bespoke support for our young people. We recognize that risks and vulnerabilities cannot be siloed, and there is a significant interplay between these aspects in a young person's life. We work to ensure that any young person can access all the services we offer.


In this session, you will hear about:


The session will include a Q&A and you can ask your colleagues anything to do with their organisation, services and daily practices, to help you gain a better understanding and promote an improved collaborative working approach. 


Book a place: To find out more about The Children's Society request a place on the session here.





These sessions are free to attend but you may be charged for cancellation. There is £10 for non-attendance.

Charging and Cancellation Policy.