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Safeguarding Children Level 1 e learning- Basic awareness


To access the course:  You can access the training by registering/logging on here https:/  To access the e-learning you will need to register, if it is the first time you have used the site then click on ‘create new account’.


Certificate: In order to get a certificate you need to complete both sections 1 & 2 and achieve a pass mark of 80% on the quiz. Once you have successfully completed both sections, your certificate should appear as a pop up at the end of the quiz.  Please ensure you download and save your certificate before exiting the course.


Target audience: Anyone working or volunteering with children, young people and their families in Essex who need a basic level of safeguarding knowledge.


Aim of the e learning: To give a basic awareness of safeguarding children.


Learning outcomes:


N.B. You need to complete all six sections and then complete the quiz. 


If you are the safeguarding lead in your organisation and wish to deliver a Level 1 session to your colleagues then please contact ESCB for a copy of the PowerPoint.