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Early Help and Team Around the Family Workshops (virtual session)


These courses will be facilitated by an Essex County Council Team Around the Family Support Officer. 


Cost to participants: Free (However, if a delegate fails to attend a course that they have booked, or cancel with less than five working days’ notice, their organisation will be charged). 


Target audience: Anyone working with children and families in Essex


Learning Outcomes:



This course will also include tips and advice on how to:



Within 3 months of attendance, delegates will be expected to evidence the undertaking of a Multi-Agency, family focussed, strengths based meeting (Team Around the Family).


Guidance on how to evidence this meeting will be circulated on completion of the workshop.


Should you require further advice and guidance regarding Early Help activity please email




If a delegate fails to attend a course that they have booked, or cancel with less than five working days’ notice, their organisation will be charged - £20. A delegate will be deemed a non-attendee if they arrive 15 minutes after the course commences either online or at a venue.


Charging and Cancellation Policy.