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Published Reviews


Child PP - One page learning summary (Dec 2024)


Child F - Summary report (August 2024)


(ESCB publish reviews for a 12-month period only.)


National Panel  


The Panel was established under the Children and Social Work Act 2017 and operates under the relevant legislation and statutory guidance. The Panel has the power to commission reviews of serious child safeguarding cases and to work with local safeguarding partners to improve learning and professional practice arising from such cases. 


Six key practice themes to make a difference (as identified by The National Panel).









Section 5 and 6 of the full report provides an extended outline of each theme, with learning drawn from reviews and illustrative case studies. 


National Panel Reports


National Panel Annual report 2023-2024 


Child Sexual Abuse within the family environment (Nov 2024)


Safeguarding children in elective home education (Oct 2024) 


NSPCC Case Reviews


The NSPCC have a list of published Case Reviews here.