Professional curiosity means exploring every possible indicator of abuse or neglect and trying to understand what the life of that child is like on a day to day basis – their routines, thoughts, feelings and relationships with family members.
Target audience: The Professional Curiosity E-learning package is free to access for those working or volunteering in Essex, Southend and Thurrock.
Course aim: Professional curiosity means exploring every possible indicator of abuse or neglect and trying to understand what the life of that child is like on a day to day basis – this course was developed to give an understanding of remaining curious whilst working with children, adults and families.
To access the course: You can access the training by registering/logging on the ESCA e-learning platform
To access the e-learning you will need to register, if it is the first time you have used the site then click on ‘create new account’.
As part of the learning taken from reviews carried out in Essex, there is a page all about professional curiosity and disguised compliance. These resources include additional reading, videos and webinars.