Everyone has arguments from time to time - they are a normal part of relationships. It's how they are resolved that's the most important thing to ensure family stability. A stable family environment (whether parents and carers are together or not) is key to delivering the best outcomes for children and young people.
When arguments are managed and resolved there are few, if any, lasting effects on the relationship or on children. However, where arguments are frequent, intense, and poorly resolved, children can be affected in many different ways; they may feel responsible, become withdrawn, sad or angry. These effects can have many impacts including their ability to form and maintain healthy relationships of their own.
The Healthy Relationships page on the Live Well website has resources, hints and tips and see below for links to free online digital programmes for parents.
This free training is specifically designed for practitioners who work directly with families on a regular basis who are facing parental conflict within their relationship. The training is based on a toolkit of resources that should only be used with parents/carers experiencing conflict between each other and their family.
Arrive from 9:30am for a 10am start.
South: Barleylands Farm, The Village: Wednesday 20 November, 10am – 4pm
Plus two further dates and venues TBC for early December
To book please email: healthyrelationshipsteam@barnardos.org.uk with your completed expression of interest form.
RPC Expression of interest form
Parents living in Essex can access FREE online digital courses from One Plus One. The online courses offer guidance and resources to help with managing stress and conflict in relationships. There are three courses to choose from:
On the One Plus One page, choose the Central England map and then Essex county. You will be able to access the courses via Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.