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Child in Need


A child in need is defined under the Children Act 1989 as a child who is unlikely to achieve or maintain a reasonable level of health or development, or whose health and development is likely to be significantly or further impaired, without the provision of services; or a child who is disabled.


Child in Need social work intervention is informed by a determination to actively promote and create conditions for families to change, with an aim of being able to step down statutory involvement at the earliest possible opportunity. This can be done by drawing on the families’ own resources underpinned by the belief that they are their ‘own experts’.


Child in Need Reviewing Service



The Child in Need Reviewing Service (CINRS) dedicates itself to supporting Children & Families in Essex to consistently deliver good and outstanding practice to Children in Need as well as providing independent overview, scrutiny and supportive challenge to the most complex Child in Need (CIN) cases. Requests to the CINRS for a service can only be made from Essex County Council Children & Family Teams but can be influenced and motivated through multi-agency discussions.



This Child in Need Reviewing Service offers a range of services, which include:





Complexity in CIN practice is understood in the context of both practice features that present challenges and also relationships that aid or inhibit work being progressed. The below criteria aims to help in identifying complexity in CIN cases and is not an exhaustive list:


  1. Repeated Patterns of Social Care Involvement
  2. Step Down from Child Protection Plans (where there is an identified need)
  3. Pre-Birth Work
  4. Where Professionals/Family may feel ‘stuck’ with case direction
  5. Where drift is noted
  6. Conflict/Difficulty evident with the Professional or Family Network
  7. Large Sibling Groups
  8. Parents who are CIC/Care Leavers
  9. Where Robust Exit/Sustainability planning is required for example where Neglect is a feature
  10. Where a Supervision Order has been granted
  11. Emerging thematic practice themes, for example - Criminal Exploitation, Working with Parental Learning Difficulties or Mental Health)
  12. When there are Transient Families & work across LA Boundaries is required
  13. Oversight of CiN plans where children and young people are subject to inpatient care, admitted under s2, s3 and entitled to s117 After Care Rights.



Child in Need Reviewing Officers


The Child in Need Reviewing Service is delivered by 7 Child in Need Reviewing Officers across Essex (1.75 per quadrant), who are qualified and experienced social workers located within the Professional Standards and Audit Service. They are supported by Donna Fellowes, Child in Need Reviewing Service Team Manager, who can be contacted at should you require any additional information.



Effective delivery and best standards


To ensure that Child in Need meetings/reviews are delivered effectively and to achieve the best standards, CINROs will: