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My mental health


Just as your body can become unwell, your mind can become unwell too. And just like with physical illnesses, treatment and support is available. 


National Studies suggest that in the UK, about 1 in 10 of all young people may experience a mental health problem or disorder. These studies also emphasise that it is important to get help early, conditions are treatable and getting the help early can prevent problems getting more serious.


There are many types of mental health issues, you can find out more about each of these, how to cope with your feelings and where to get support at Young Minds


Healthy Relationships


How do you know you have a healthy relationship? Ask yourself, ‘how does this person make me feel?’ Happy, excited, supported, loved, appreciated or sad, alone, jealous, worried, hurt or even fearful? This video co-produced by Essex Youth Service and SETDAB aims to support young people in maintaining positive relationships along with identifying and leaving unhealthy ones. The animation highlights five key messages, to develop healthy relationships:

Be honest

Be open

Be respectful

Be brave

Believe in yourself.


View the animation and further information.


Help and support


Kooth - Kooth is a free online counselling service for young people in Essex.


Young Minds - Young Minds charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. Helpline 0808 802 5544.


MiLife - MiLife is an online help service designed by young people from Essex with useful information and links to other organisations that work with young people.


Papyrus - Papyrus HOPELineUk is a confidential support and advice service for young people under the age of 35 who may be having thoughts of suicide/ anyone concerned a young person may be having thoughts of suicide.


To find more support services available both in Essex and nationally please visit the Help and Support page.