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Child Safeguarding Practice Review Process 


Under Working Together 2023, when a child dies or is seriously harmed* in circumstances where abuse or neglect are known or suspected (i.e., is a serious child safeguarding case), Local Safeguarding Children Partnerships/Boards are required to consider whether a Child Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) is appropriate and to consider the involvement of organisations and professionals with the child and family.


In order to do this, a rapid review must be carried out within 15 days of the notification of the serious child safeguarding case to the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel.


*Serious harm is defined as serious or long-term impairment of a child’s mental health or intellectual, emotional social or behavioural development, as well as impairment of physical health.


The purpose of each review is to:


Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews are learning exercises and not investigations to find out who is to blame for things going wrong, with the overall purpose being that of improving practice.


CSPRs replaced Serious Case Reviews in 2018, the guidance and process also changed. 


What is a CSPR? 


Making a referral for a CSPR


If you become aware of a case which you believe fits the criteria for a Child Safeguarding Practice Review you should discuss this with your manager or senior officer and ESCB agency representative. If following this discussion, it is agreed to make a referral, email ESCB ( who will provide a referral form and explain the next steps.


Please refer to the attached process documents for the next steps of the review process.