In Essex there are five organisations who are jointly responsible by law for the partnership arrangements for keeping children safe:
• Essex County Council
• Essex Police
• Three Integrated Care Boards covering the county of Essex
These are known as the Statutory Partners and they have identified relevant agencies which are legally required to cooperate with local safeguarding arrangements, including Education, Essex Council for Voluntary Youth Services (ECVYS), District, City & Borough Councils, Office of Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner and The Probation Service.
The Statutory Partners (the decision makers) elected for the ESCB Executive Board to be chaired by an Independent Chair Facilitator and appointed David Archibald in 2019. Whilst his role does not hold any statutory responsibilities he provides a strong independent voice, ensuring that the ESCB operates effectively in promoting the safeguarding, wellbeing and interests of children and young people in Essex.
The Statutory Partners supported by the Independent Chair Facilitator meet regularly in advance of each ESCB Executive Board meeting to assure themselves that the work of the partnership is heading in the right direction and agree the draft agenda of the next Executive Board meeting.