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What is Risk in the Community (RIC)?



Risk in the Community is the Essex partnership approach to tackling exploitation of young people.


Traditionally, safeguarding young people focused on risks within the home, but it is more apparent today that young people experience risks in various contexts outside their family unit, such as:


Young people can become victims of Sexual and Criminal Exploitation, sometimes they might be moved around the county or outside Essex, known as Trafficking and Modern Slavery.


Some young people might be exploited digitally and may not meet their abuser, or online exploitation may form part of the grooming process and occur before they meet.


Increasing safety for young people in these contexts requires a broad group of professionals to focus on community safety, whilst also supporting the young person and their family. Traditional safeguarding professionals need to team up with other partners, including the private sector in order to create safety in our community. We need to create safety in these vulnerable areas to prevent young people becoming victims, focusing on the place and exploiter is key. This can only be achieved if partners work closely together by identifying and responding to exploited children as well as prevention and disruption activities in communities vulnerable to exploitation.


Risk in the Community is the Essex partnership approach which weaves through and across the workforce. This includes a strategic focus on tackling exploitation from the ESCB Child Exploitation & Missing Sub-Committee, which has governance over the four MACE 1 and MACE 2 partnership meetings in Essex.


The approach also includes: