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Essex Prevent Safeguarding Arrangements


Prevent is the multi-agency set of arrangements aimed at preventing individuals and groups from engaging in violent extremism. Prevent is not aimed at suppressing freedom of thought and expression.


Early indicators of extremism may include:



(reproduced from Tower Hamlets LSCB Prevent guidance 2015)


Essex Prevent Multi-Agency Group


The Channel Panel is the multi-agency mechanism that oversees and co-ordinates Prevent interventions in Essex. The panel has a statutory basis: under the terms of the Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015, local authorities must:



(South East Counter Terrorism Unit 2015)


The Channel Panel will meet on a six weekly basis. Permanent members will include senior managers from Adult and Family Operations, and Essex Police Prevent team. Other agencies will be invited depending on need. Further guidance on the Channel Panel.


Potential referrals should be discussed with the relevant quadrant Prevent Champion, who will advise whether they should be referred to Channel. A referral form should be completed and returned to Essex Police ( will be considered at the next available meeting.



Essex Prevent Multi-Agency Group


The Essex Prevent Multi-Agency Group provides strategic oversight, direction and co-ordination of the activities that deliver Prevent work. The Essex Prevent Multi-Agency group meets quarterly and is comprised of representatives of all key agencies charged with delivering Prevent in Essex. The Group is currently chaired by the ECC Head of Adult Safeguarding. Board members include: Essex Police Prevent team, an ECC Family Operations Safeguarding Lead, the ECC Schools Safeguarding Advisor, community safety representatives from all district and borough councils, probation and the Youth Offending Team.


Contact and Useful Information


Prevent Champions:


West: Sue McCann


South: Seriol Jones


North and Family Operations Hub:

Lorna Costello

Penny Parvin (FOH)



Mid: Paula Ash             


Channel Panel administrator: Michala Jury


Essex Police Prevent Team:

DC Rachael Harris Tel: 01245 452196



PREVENT in the Youth Offending Service

All YOS Practice Supervisors across the County are Prevent Champions. This includes four locality teams and one county-wide team. All will be WRAP trained and will be responsible for training and disseminating information to their respective teams surrounding Prevent.