Keep them safe - CSE Basic Awareness E-Learning - This short e-learning course from Virtual College takes about 20-30mins and is for parents, carers and professionals.
SET exploitation e-learning package - Developed in partnership with the Essex Violence and Vulnerability Unit and Southend and Thurrock Safeguarding Boards, this e-learning package to support anyone who would like to improve their knowledge and understanding of exploitation.
SET partnership child exploitation pathway - The SET Partnership Child Exploitation Pathway has been developed to support those working with, and identifying, individuals at risk of serious violence or exploitation and complements the e-learning package.
NWG Gold Membership - ESCB have gold membership of NWG, which enables ESCB to issue free membership to NWG for staff of ESCB partners and members.
Social Media Influencers - The Training Effect have recently recorded both a webinar and a podcast discussing social media influencers and how young males can be so easily influenced by misogyny.
Andrew Tate factsheet for staff - this factsheet provides information about Andrew Tate for those working with children, in order for them to be better placed to respond if he, or views shared by him, are raised in conversation by pupils.
ESCB Learning and Development - All opportunities for those working with children and families
As part of the learning taken from reviews carried out in Essex, the following links and resources may also help in your learning.
If you are aware of any helpful resources not listed above, please feel free to email them to us at
N.B. Not all resources have been scrutinised in detail by ESCB and therefore we cannot guarantee quality assurance; however they do originate from reputable sources.