Parents and carers should be ensuring the settings of the apps and online games that their children use are set to private, with location settings turned off, to restrict the ways in which they could potentially be targeted by perpetrators. Many apps are public facing automatically, and have to be manually set to 'private'. Parental controls can be used to help block or filter the content children see when searching online. Parental controls are also available to help:
It's important to bear in mind that children and young people can potentially have access to the internet anywhere, not just at home. There are wifi hotspots, internet cafes, friends house and of course mobile data is available 24/7. So, whilst parental controls are useful, the most important thing you can do is have an open and honest relationship with your child about their online interests.
In addition to device settings, did you know broadband and mobile network providers have their own parental controls? Take a look at what you can monitor and what limitations you can set to keep your family safe from online harm with this guide from Internet Matters.
Essex Police - Sort your settings campaign
As well as ensuring device settings are secure, it is just as important to talk to children and show an interest in what they are viewing and playing online. Join in a favourite game or watch a favourite Youtuber and enter their world.
Showing an interest in your child's online life will help them feel they are able to come to you with any concerns they may have.