Promoting a culture whereby parents and carers routinely ask key safeguarding questions instils confidence in your setting, plus offers parents and carers valuable messages which they can apply to any setting. This ultimately raises safety across sport and extra-curricular provisions and drives abuse and exploitation away. Responsible providers will be aware of the safeguarding policies and procedures within any affiliated body, plus the local safeguarding procedures for child protection.
These posters from the NWG can be displayed in your setting to promote vigilance amongst your staff, parents and carers, plus advice on what to do. (You can amend and add contacts details of who to report concerns to.)
In Essex, the SET Procedures provides guidance for those working with children. Sports club and extra-curricular providers should familiarise themselves with the procedures. Chapter 7 outlines how to respond to safeguarding concerns about adults, Chapter 12 outlines safer recruitment processes and Chapter 29 outlines responsibilities for those within licensed settings.
We suggest you make the following clear to parents and carers:
It is important all staff in your setting access and complete safeguarding and protecting children training. This ensures staff understand appropriate behaviour for themselves and others, plus can alert professionals when something feels wrong. Your setting’s insurance is likely to require all your staff have this training too, failure to do so could make your insurance invalid.
The ESCB Learning and Development pages have many opportunities for providers including safeguarding children training, the exploitation e-learning tool and much more.
Active Essex also provide safeguarding and protecting children training for sport and physical activity providers, Safeguarding | Active Essex plus many more training and development opportunities; Courses - Active Essex
NWG Safe to Play campaign - Coaches story - YouTube
The Child Protection in Sport Unit (including webinars and podcasts)