Concerned about a child or young person? Call 0345 603 7627

Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health


There are many different types of mental health issues which may impact your child. The Young Minds website has an A-Z of specific mental health conditions and life events. For each topic there is advice and signposting of where to go for help. 


Being able to talk openly can help relieve many anxieties that may be building up inside your child. Try to make regular time to spend with your child, in which they have the opportunity to talk about anything they want. It could be during a walk or while baking a cake, for example, to help them relax and open up. Hearing you respond honestly can also be a hugely beneficial as it reassures them their feelings are valid. Talking to your child about how they’re feeling is so important, but can be hard. Here are some useful tips to help start the conversation.


Help and support


Raise concerns with SET CAMHS - Parents/carers and young people can raise concerns with the Single Point of Access team. Telephone: 0800 953 0222.


To find out more about additional support services available both in Essex and nationally please visit the Help and Support page.


Papyrus videos


#BedtimeStories - raising awareness of the impact of online bullying



#SpotTheSigns someone is thinking about suicide